128 Antechinus JavaScript Editor 129 \nUntitled\njs\nJavaScript Files (*.js)\n.js\njs.Document\nJS Document 130 C Point Pty Ltd\n71 Williamson Road, Para Hills 5096, Australia\nTel: +618 8263 3623 Fax: +618 8396 1477\nWeb: http://www.c-point.com\nEmail: c-point@c-point.com 131 Error: could not find default Web browser 132 Help 133 BaseDir 134 JavaScript 135 Developer 136 Object 200 Allow docking 201 Press Ctrl to prevent docking\n 203 Hide 204 Float as MDI Window 205 Init 206 SaveOnCompile 207 Save the file before compiling? 208 Compiler 209 Make 210 Error reading the project file 211 No errors found 212 ConsoleWarn 213 0000, 000 214 Project 215 Debug 216 Optimize 217 Increment 218 Flow 219 Unsafe 220 WarningsAsErrors 221 Target 222 Custom 223 Working with projects is only available to registered users 224 LastPrj 240 Opens the Developers' reference 241 Antechinus cannot modify external MAKEFILE-s 250 Description 251 General 252 ProjectDir 253 ProjectMask 254 File already exists. Overwrite? 255 Copy failed. Please check the paths and write permissions. 256 Barstate 257 JSRef.chm 258 Manual.chm 260 FirstTime 28220 Default 28221 Keywords 28222 Comments 28223 Strings 28224 Numbers 28225 Operators 28226 Constants 28227 Functions 28228 Preprocessor 28229 User Defined 1 28230 User Defined 2 28231 Ln %d, Col %d 28310 %sEnd of %s 28311 Name 28312 CLSID or ProgID 28313 Both object name and CLSID must be entered. 28314 Can not create the object. 28315 Can not add type library for object %s. 28316 (General) 28317 (Declarations) 28318 %s%s 28319 Edit 28320 Close Script View 28321 Event View 28322 Object View 28323 Full Module View 28324 Object 28325 Event 28326 Untitled 28327 Line %d, Column %d\n 28328 \nSource line: 28329 \nDescription: 32771 Go to matching brace\nGo to matching brace 32772 Opens the online documentation\nManual 32773 Antechinus web site\nWebsite 32774 Compiles the current project\nCompile 32775 Runs the compiled application\nRun 32776 Runs the compiled application through a console\nRun through Console 32777 Opens up Project Options Dialog\nProject Options 32778 Creates a new project\nNew Project 32779 Opens an existing project\nOpen Project 32780 Closes the active project\nClose Project 32781 Runs the C# tutorial\nTutorial 32782 Automatically saves files before viewing in browser 32783 &Adds files to the current project... 32786 Shows or hides the compile toolbar\nToggle Compile ToolBar 32787 Clear all bookmarks 32788 Changes the selection to upper case 32789 Changes the selection to lower case 32793 Shows or hides the info pane 32794 Shows or hides the project pane 32795 Closes all the documents 32796 Saves all open documents 32797 Opens the JavaScript reference and tutorial documentation 32798 Opens the Debugger documentation 32799 Opens the Objects documentation 32800 Runs the compiled application\nRun 32804 document.clear(); 32805 document.close(); 32806 Marks text within description as code 32807 Marks multiple lines of text within description as code 32808 Marks text within description as example 32809 Marks text within description as exception link 32810 onChange= 32811 Inserts description of a method parameter 32812 Inserts the name of the parameter to refer to 32813 Inserts description of the access to a member 32814 Inserts remarks 32815 Inserts description of the return value 32816 Inserts reference to a member 32817 Inserts text to appear in See Also 32818 Inserts summary 32819 Inserts property description 32820 Inserts bullet-type list of terms to define 32821 Inserts number-type list of terms to define 32822 Inserts table-type list of terms to define 32823 Inserts list header into the list 32824 Inserts term 32825 Inserts term description 32826 Inserts item into the list 32827 .blink(); 32828 Documents the selected text\n/// Document 32829 Runs the selected script\nRun Script 32830 Creates a new script 32831 Modifies an existing script 32832 Stops the currently running script\nStop Script 32833 .fontColor(); 32834 Pauses the currently running VBScript\nPause VBScript 32835 Select a script from the list 32836 Checks if the later version is available 32837 .lastindexof(,); 32838 .substring (,); 32839 .toUpperCase(); 32840 .toLowerCase(); 32841 Math.E 32842 Math.LN10 32843 Switches auto-complete feature on and off 32844 Math.SQRT1_2 32845 Math.sqrt(); 32846 Math.PI 32847 Math.ceil(); 32848 Math.floor(); 32849 Math.round(); 32850 Math.min(,); 32851 Math.max(,); 32852 Math.pow(,); 32853 Math.sqrt(); 32854 Math.sin(); 32855 Math.asin(); 32856 Math.cos(); 32857 Math.acos(); 32858 Math.tan(); 32859 Math.atan(); 32860 .getDate(); 32861 .getYear(); 32862 .getMonth(); 32863 Runs the selected VBScript\nRun VBScript 32864 .getHours(); 32865 .getMinutes(); 32866 .getSeconds(); 32867 .getTime(); 32868 .setYear(); 32869 .setDate(); 32870 .setMonth(); 32871 .setHours(); 32872 .setMinutes(); 32873 .setSeconds(); 32874 onMouseover= 32875 onMouseout= 32876 for 32877 while 32878 do...while 32879 switch 32880 function 32881 Stops the currently running VBScript\nStop VBScript 32882 Equal to 32883 Pauses the currently running VBScript\nPause VBScript 32884 Not equal to 32886 Less than 32888 Greater than 32890 Less than or equal to 32891 Greater than ot equal to 32893 Not less than 32895 Not greater than 32897 And 32899 Or 32901